Monday, December 3, 2007

One Not Enough

This was the most interesting discussion in our class last week. "Infidelity & Extramarital Affairs". Of course most of us were curious as to why it happens rather how can we prevent it from happening cause in ones life time, 95% of married couple are involved in infidelity. Well it can happen physically and also mentally. Hmmm...very interesting right??

According to Dave Carder, the author of "Torn Asunder" ( five "A"s of Extramarital Affairs is due to lack of..

  1. Affirmation
  2. Affection (this is more for women)
  3. Acceptance
  4. Accommodation
  5. Adoration / Admiration (this is more for men)

If these five lacks or fails in ones relationship, marriage drifts apart, then either one party tends to find another partner to fulfill.

Both Male and Female have their own needs and if these are unmet, then it leads to trouble!!!.

I didn't say this. This is according to Willard Harley, the man who wrote books on building marriage to last a lifetime (

Her Needs

  1. Affection (Women loves praises, what's wrong in daily compliments??)
  2. Conversation (women loves to talk, so guys need to listen)
  3. Honesty & Integrity (Need to be smart guys)
  4. Financial Support (Definitely not for materialistic women, I suppose someone who can support her and family)
  5. Family commitment (Guys are usually commitment when they are married but somehow some cannot express well, need personal grooming I suppose :-) )
  6. These our group of classmates added one more..."sex". Think women these days show importance to this too.

His Needs

  1. Admiration (I honestly dinch know this, something new that I learnt about guys)
  2. Sexual fulfillment ( comments)
  3. Recreational companionship (Ladies need to show interest in whatever these guys like, be it soccer :-))
  4. Physical Attractiveness (Think is norm for most guys, that's why there many slimming centre and product are making $$$)
  5. Domestic Support (Ladies need to be multi-taskers to win the men's heart)

So why people are more vulnerable these days? It all leads to the unmet needs listed above and I mainly would highlight the ego thingy in everyone.

How is this unmet needs happen.

  • Exposure to media and "other" world
  • Educational standards
  • Marriage becomes dull
  • Lowered in nurturance level
  • Financial conflict (one does better than the other)
  • Power control issues (WHO IS IN POWER HERE??)
  • Sexual dissatisfaction.
  • Hungry for emotional and physical needs
  • Angry with spouses
  • Loneliness
  • Tired / Feeling empty
  • Bored

When I took some time to contemplate, these hardly happen during our parents/grandparents time. They stick to marriage vows strictly no matter what kind of spouses they get.

These days I think women are getting more sophiscated and smarter. They are proving to the men that they can live without them.

If marriage needs to be held till the end, there is lots of hardwork. I shall write a review on how much of hard work is required in a marriage, the list surprises me. Honestly, I barely met 20%...not an easy task..cheerio!!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Celebration Continues

Deepavali photos

Well, there goes Deepavali but the spirit is still there. We have not completed our visiting.

On Deepavali, our usual we went to temple, then to my mother-in-law's place. In the evening to my grandpa's place and was back home because of my professors. It was nice for them to visit me on the first day of Deepavali. They tasted my cookies and had fun. They only left at 11.45pm.

The next day, more professors came over for dinner. I cooked Fish Kurma, Jira rice, Chicken curry and thosai. They loved the food. I was happy they enjoyed the company.

On at my place from tea till 3am...crazy rite!!! I was exhausted by end of the day. I went marketing in the morning and cooked by 3pm. I made roti jala, chicken and mutton. The ladies wanted finger food, so I bought samosa, curry puffs, chicken wings..what else..yes! hot dog and many more. It was non-stop party. My best friend Ratna came over with her family. A sudden change in her husband, more friendly than expected. My mom, aunts and uncles came over. Last but not least my in-laws...a bunch of freaking married women. All dance and partied till 3am. By the time I clean up the house it was almost 4.30am. Phew! What a day..

On Sunday...whole family got up at 12noon. This time we started visiting. Our intention was to cover 2 houses...but believe it...from 3pm till 11pm, we covered 4 houses!!! Another crazy idea. I wished that I took leave on Monday :-)

Last Saturday, I went to my brother Puvan's house in Taman Perling. It was a great time to meet with all my father's brother's children...they all have grown old and their children are all grown up....a sign of aging..hehehe. Well, I should say I'm growing wiser. We played all kind of crackers. It felt good again, back to my childhood days in my kampung. I really missed Malaysia lifestyle. It's so simple and fun. People are so warm and welcoming....Will post more of those photos of playing crackers soon.

Sunday visited Suba's place. She cooked Nasi Lemak. Guess that was a good change after all the chicken and mutton. Back home early as both my children not well.

Party continues next week at Suguna's place.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


The four candles burn slowly.The ambiance was so soft you could hear them talking.

The first one said:"I am peace!however nobody can keep me lit, I believe I will go out." It's flame rapidly dimishes and goes out completely.

The second one says:"I am faith! Most of all I am no longer indispensable, so it doesn't make any sense that I stay lit any longer". When it finished talking, a breeze softly blew on it putting it out.

Sadly,the third candle spoke in its turn:"I am love! I haven't got the strength to stay lit. People put me aside and dont understand my importance. They even forget to love those who are nearest to them." and waiting no longer it goes out.

Suddenly....a child enters the room and sees three candles not burning. "Why are you not burning? You are supposed to stay lit till the end." Saying this,the child begins to cry.

Then the fourth candle said:"Dont be afraid,while I am still burning we can re-light the other candles, I am HOPE!" with shining eyes,the child took the candle of hope and lit the other candles.


Wednesday, October 17, 2007

U are my love

I suddenly fall in love with this song...not for the hero of course but the music. It's cool....

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Inferiority and Self Esteem

The summary of my Monday's lesson:

General term from dictionary

Inferiority - Feeling below par
Self Esteem - to have great regard for; value highly; respect

What does psychology term refer to as inferiority and self-esteem?
Everyone of us are born with 100% of insecurity from birth. There is no baby from birth ask for milk without crying nor tells the parents/care-giver that they are able to take care of themselves. Our insecurity gradually reduces or increases depends on the love pail..this love pails consists of parents love, followed by love from extended family then social surroundings. Whatever happen our insecurity will be always there till we depart the world. If insecurity decreases..good, self esteem is high. If insecurity increase...hmm...inferiority will definitely crept in. Think about it???

Our childhood influences from five roots: our gender, family unity, parental attitude, social & economy position of family and health & appearance help us prepare for adolescent. Here our attitude towards ourselves, difficulties, others, other sex and life will determined our life style. From then we will be into aduthood to face the challenges among other people, occupation, love and sex. What a definition???

Thanks to my school who has made me understand how important childhood is. If parents give love to the brim...child becomes too dependent, if too little or none..then that's it. The child will find love in wrong places like drug, piercing themselves, tatooing, extreme make-over, indulge in sex and many others.....

Thursday, September 27, 2007


It's Friday!!! Yeah. I want sleep tonite...hehehe. Last few days were hectic. 3 days of classes in a row...phew!!

Tonite, I want to jump onto my bed early and sleep.....

I'm not sleepy head okie! It's just that my mind is too tired.

I walked to office with our faculty Dean. Interesting and warm person. I was surprise that he takes MRT...I asked him why. He said this is the only form of exercise for him...he walks 4 km a day. He takes a longer walk to office as he wants to cover the 4 km and here I'm trying to find short-cuts to work..hehehe.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


If I were asked to give what I consider the single most useful bit of advice for all humanity, it would be this:

Expect trouble as an inevitable part of life, and when it comes, hold your head high. Look it squarely in the eye, and say, "I will be bigger than you. You cannot defeat me.

......Ann Landers

Sunday, September 23, 2007


Last Saturday I delivered my first talk to the volunteers at hindu centre. Well, my topic was "The Yoga Hype" and I did my presentation. The night before I could not sleep. I practise till 12.30am and got up at 7.30am on Saturday. It's a real freak out moment. I could not anticipate the type of questions volunteers would ask but somehow I managed. After the session, I receive many compliments and most said it was informative. Only area for improvement is that I need to handle people's opinion quick and sharp especially if they are incorrect. I felt a sense of achievement and I'm confident to do more now. Guess it was all the blessings from God!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Move Forward

Face the dilemmas

make love and peace

struggles of life

the wall of worries

open your mind

clear your voice

look for something

pick a good choice

forget about mistakes

of errors and strifes

learn how to smile

survive for life

Friday, September 7, 2007

Lunch with my good old friend

I went all the way to Shenton to lunch with my best friend Ratna. I missed the food around Shenton. It's been 4 months....I miss Saravana Bhavan, The Palmer and some others. Ratna has grown different..ahem ahem, but she is as radiant as ever. I think she is too happy there. We had so much of stories to share and suddenly I felt like I'm back in MAS....

We parted at TP mrt and as usual, my friend with her camera....never ending photographer. We got someone to take our photo..vain vain

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

It's Not My Day

This morning I got up with a bad headache and running nose. I look rather moody and just feel like getting out of here to take a good rest. Met my colleauge, Tammie at Bishan MRT.I felt much better after talking to her.

We got off at Dhoby Ghaut to take the NEL train. At Outram we thot' of trying the new route..thru Singhealth. It's was alright but the back gate to my office was not open. We took the usual route. Suddenly Tammie's handbag gave way. We tried looking for the missing parts but we could not find them. As it is we were late, then we tried the new route and we had to find the missing part of her handbag.......what a day to start off with!!!

I'm feeling very lousy today, my mind is running with lots of thots'. Guess I'm too tired, I really need a break. Maybe I should take a 1/2 day and go out with my best friend Ratna for a movie or just go out somewhere....

My headache is back, they coffee does not help. Looks like I have to pop in a panadol. *@sigh@*

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Vitesh growing

Little brother is getting adorable day by day...

Vitesh is 31- to 32-month-old

How your toddler's growing:

Your child now has a solid awareness of how things should be according to adult rules and standards. He might be upset by deviations from the norm — like if someone has dessert before dinner or if a babysitter doesn't do things exactly as you would. Shortly, though, he'll learn that things don't always follow set patterns and that's okay.

How your life is changing:

As your child's awareness of other people continues to develop, he'll begin to alter his speech depending on who he's talking to. For instance, he'll begin to use different words and tones of voice with peers or adults. You may even notice that with younger children he uses simpler language.

Monday, August 27, 2007

The letter


The ancient envelope on the fridge

Could you see the rolled letter in the envelope. There a little stamp and it's held by 2 little magnets!!


Last night after class, I came home tired and exhausted. My maid told me that my son has something for me on the fridge. I was kind of puzzled!! I took a closer look at it. He creatively prepared a letter and an envelope with kitchen towel. He told my maid it's the ancient way. What a creation. Thanks a lot baby!! You really made my day. I'm amazed about your creativity....maybe most "Virgos" are like that :-). I have posted his creation above..memories

Saturday, August 25, 2007


It's 6.00am and I'm still doing my assignment. It's so peaceful and mind is so clear though I'm like a zombie now. A good friend adviced me not to put my little one to sleep in the afternoon so that he will sleep early at night. Guess what happen, he knocked off in my lap at about 9pm. Happily I told my husband to bring him up to the room. He got up right on bed and cried for me...and my gundu husband..can laugh away. He can advice me to do my assignment with him. Surprising, he refused to go to husband. He stucked to me, I could not even get out of his sight. ARRRGGGG.....Told myself, nevermind...I will still get through it and be determined to do my assignment somehow. Finally, I managed to put the little to sleep at 12 midnite! Here I am happily doing my assignment with my cup of coffee and a mess of papers and books on my computer table. I'm listening to the same songs over 2 or 3 rounds I think. I'm just got the kick to do my assignment. I shall stay up till morning...wake my darling up to work, go marketing with my maid in case I fall off..hehehe. Then shall have a good hot shower and go to sleep. Thanks for the advice friend...should not have listen to you!!!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Lost of words

Nowadays my mind is filled up with so many issues that I can't find words to express my feelings. This morning, I saw this words of wisdom...

All successes and achievements in any line of work is the result of concentration.

Ninety percent of thought-force is wasted by the ordinary human being and therefore he is constantly committing blunders.

The trained man or mind never makes a mistake.

The more the power of concentration the greater the knowledge that is acquired.
- Swami Vivekananda

Told myself wake's not end of the world, guess I must me tired with my assignments, thinking about my boys and as usual hindu centre..I really need to break free!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Down the memory lane

Today is Friday's raining here. I'm sipping my coffee as I'm thinking what to write on my blog.....

Last Monday as usual, I went for my class at Ah Moy street. When I got off at Tanjong Pagar, saw a familiar face. "Hi Michelle! It's great to see you! She looks bright as ever. She was also surprise to see me around Tanjong Pagar...she fuzzed about work being sent to insurance dept now. Hmmm.....what can I say??? I told her that I don't run into Mr. %%% and she said no worries....that person never left early home..hehehe

Then, I went to IP's Watson to get some my amazement.....lots of changes including the makan more Delifrance, the building is under serious renovation. Everything has to changed within 4 months! Then I met another familiar face..."hi Safar!". He too was surprise to see me. As usual, he also complaint about work. I wonder if I would meet Mr big boss???

Hmmm.....I missed my best friend...we usually walk around this place during lunch, grabbing some bites from Burger King. We shop for our little ones. Years back, when I was pregnant we shop for maternity wear....she was more excited than me.

Sometimes during working hours, when we needed a break, we just walk to this place to get something to eat and my friend loves the "paus" from's no longer there now.

It's usually fun to get gifts for our bosses during's was always last minute..we will rush to this place to get wrapping papers, little gifts and chocolates. The whole morning of Christmas eve will be busy with these stuffs.

Then the florist...we sent flowers to each on birthdays and sometimes when we are down.

Now she is busy in her office and I'm here. Guess, that's how life is. Good things will never stay long.............

Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Vitesh is turning 31 mths end of this month. He saying a few words now and trying to link 2 words.

What surprises me is that he has learnt to scold....must have learnt from us definitely. Yesterday, the big bro played some prank while Vitesh was bathing. He fell....he got soo furious that he started pointing finger and almost like screaming. When confronted and ask him what happen.....he whinned. Language cannot be understood but expression....phew!! Future Vasantham Star..hehehe.

It makes me wonder how this innocence pies learn to pick habits like is observational learning. I kept warning the gundus at home not to give wrong signals to little ones...hmmm. Hope Vitesh doesn't do this when he goes to school....

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

All relationship are destined to fail

What you guys think about this title?

When my lecturer shared this last week, I was not convinced initially but he added "All relationship are destined to fail unless you maintained it" made me think. Yes!! It's true. Husband-Wife, Parent-Child, Sibblings even Friends..if we don't maintain it, it will fail. Why this happens? B'cos we are all born insecurity....

So, we got to work hard to sustain it.

This is the most challenging task as there is a lot of teamwork involved. When it drains one out but not the other...we give up!! and move to something more interesting. On the hand moving to something else will also won't satisfy us. We will find some faults there too.

One thing, with god's matter what, we can help to sustain the relationship as long as we want it. Let's focus as our aim in life!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Bare Beauty

Last night I sat down after my dinner. An interesting programme caught my eye. It's all about bare beauty where the host Anita Kapoor shows you interesting recipies on how to keep the hair, body and face radiant!! It's every Tues at 9pm...if you can't watch, no problem. The website gives you the recipies....hehehe. Looks like I'm promoting Art Central

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Back again

I forgot all about blogging...guess must have been busy with my assignments - both for hindu centre and my diploma. I'm all gross out!!! I was also interviewed by Kathir and Ravi. I got to answer 5 questions related to hinduism. It wasn't easy....very tricky. Managed to answer 4 out of 5 (I think)....yet to get the marks.

My life pretty calm these days..things are fine in office. Profs here are friendly and warm. Quite understanding..though I do sense some have mood swings. Guess that's normal for any human being. Since the hindu teachers training is over, next would be teaching hinduism. I wonder if I'm qualified..hehehe. Not sure if I have set a good example to teach...

It's graduation this Sunday!! Most of us are excited to bring our family members. It's time to introduce our love ones to others. After this I have 2 interaction session to prepare, one for hindu centre volunteers and the other to "public". I can't even speak to my bosses clearly, how am I going to talk to PUBLIC....god!! Pls help!!

Monday, June 25, 2007

My two years of religious studies

Phew! Finally two years of religious studies are over. Not sure how I managed but looking back, it's over at a wink.
My feelings? - relieved!! One less commitment now.
What have I learnt? - It's beautiful to know so much of depth knowlegde is hidden. This is just a glimpse....I need to explore more.
Any impact on me? - Yes!! Able to see situations around me in different perspective.
Able to sustain this knowledge? - Hehehe...not going to that easy as I will face daily challenges with bunch of "mix" people. Guess, will have to do lots of self reflecting
Next plan? - Take a break to focus on Diploma first. Spent more time with my little ones and revise topic which is not clear.
Can you teach? - I'm asked be honest, still not confident enuf. Maybe after diploma...hopefully.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

My two boys!

Just look how grown there are now....... Vesshnu jumps into Vitesh's playpen...though he is turns 11 this year...he is still a baby. Then the little one follows the Anna's footstep....the 2 happily posing.......... Cheer up boys!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Importance of having Breakfast

Hi friends, some advice....

Breakfast can help prevent strokes, heart attack and sudden death.Advice on not to skip breakfast.For those who always skip breakfast, you should stop that habit now!You've heard many times that "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day." Now, recent research confirms that one of the worst practices you can develop may be avoiding breakfast.

Because the frequency of heart attack, sudden death, and stroke peaks between 6: 00a.m. and noon , with the highest incidence being between 8:00a.m. and 10:00a.m.What mechanism within the body could account for this significant jump in sudden death in the early morning hours?

The answer
Platelet, tiny elements in the blood that keep us from bleeding to Death if we get a cut, can clump together inside our arteries due to cholesterol or P plaque buildup in the artery lining. It is in the morning hours that platelets become the most activated and tend to form these internal blood clots at the greatest frequency. However, eating even a very light breakfast prevents the morning platelet activation that is associated with heart attacks and strokes.

Studies performed at Memorial University in St.Johns, Newfoundland found that eating a light, very low-fat breakfast was critical in modifying the morning platelet activation. Subjects in the study consumed either low-fat or fat-free yogurt, orange juice, fruit, and a source of protein coming from yogurt or fat-free milk. So if you skip breakfast, it's important that you change this practice immediately in light of this research. Develop a simple plan to eat cereal, such as oatmeal or Bran Flakes, along with six ounces of grape juice or orange juice, and perhaps a piece of fruit. This simple plan will keep your platelets from sticking together, keep blood clots from forming, and perhaps head off a potential Heart Attack or stroke.

So never ever skip breakfast

Monday, June 11, 2007


Phew! I messed up my blog..hehehe. I dinch even back up. Manage to do something and hope to explore more.
Actually I was excited to share with you about what I learnt from Adam Khoo PSLE workshop last Saturday. It's was hilarious....with Ramesh one of the trainer giving practical and true synopsis of what can we expect from today's children. I had a good laugh but it left me thinking of what is the right strategy of parenting these days. It was amazing how Ramesh used the Eagle and the eaglet as an example. Let me share it wif you. When an eagle built its home, it choses a high spot probably a tall tree or mountain top. Is it easy to reach there with all the twigs and leaves? Never....there is no construction company up there for them. It takes time and effort to build this nest. After that they lay eggs and wait for the day. When the eaglets hatch and days passed...they are ready to fly. Do you think the eaglets' parents are there to help them fly...Do they say "Now..look here my babies, today is lesson 1. Watch me carefully and learn the technique to fly, tommorrow we have the 2nd lesson" (I just quoted Ramesh words). NO!! the eaglets got to learn do they do it? The first time the eaglets actually drop down and sometime they don't fly midway. They go all the way down close to the the ground. Suddenly from nowhere the ealets' parents will come for rescue. Indeed their parents actually sit close by watching their eaglets.

How many of we parents do this? I guess most of us are over protective.....We are there for comforting and attending to our children need. Think it's about time to be an Eagle!!Let's change our strategy. Children got to learn the difficult way to achieve things in life just like how the Eagle built its nest. As parents we got stay an armlength and watch our children move the right direction with confidence. See how much we can learn from creation...adious!

Thursday, May 31, 2007

My best friend

My dear friend,

You are always in my thots'. I cheerish every moment wif you and nothing can replace this friendship even we are far apart physically. You have taught me survive in this rough sea. I may not be around to share the frustration, sadness and happy moment but I'm always thinking about you.

It's the things in common that make friendship enjoyable, but it's the little differences that make them interesting...Todd Ruthman (this is frm little book on friendship which you gave me)

Hope this cherish you for this moment.

Don't worry, everything will be taken care and you will your dream home soon...cheer up baby!

Love you always....

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Happy Wesak Day

Things are not quite right these days. I could not lift up my right hand lately and could feel some numbness. Yesterday took time to go for physiotherapy. Need to go for a few session to see the effect. Hope it recovers soon. The therapist said that my nerves could be rubbing against the densed spinal bones. Any how, just hope for the best. Well,it will be a good break for most of us tommorrow. Haf fun friends.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Happy Birthday my Darling

Dear Friends

Guess my mind is too placid till I can't think of anything to write. My apologies. My new place is wonderful and people here treat individual with respect. Just heard some sad frustrating stories from my old friends. It's really sad but what can be done? Human..they are full of "Egos"!! Suddenly, I felt like I'm going back to old place and my emotion stirred-up. Ooops! I got carried away and got emotional. All messed up.Come back Shan! It's reality. This is world!! Let's face it!!

Now, I'm draining out. Got to go home and re-charge.

Well, today is my darling's birthday. He has turned 46 yrs today!! A wonderful great man though get on my nerves at times. What to do? It's part of marriage cycle...hahaha!

Anyway...I gaf some thot'. If I have to be a writer for Chicken Soup...Husbands and do a collection of stories from around the married women of different race or religion, wonder what will be the women's frustration??

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Exam Week

Guess most mothers out there must be stressed by their child's exam this week. Getting them ready and all out for their mid year exam!!! Some interesting tips which I learnt during a talk last Saturday. How should we get them to sit for a period of time so that they are able to hold themselves during their exam? Get them to sit for 15 min to complete the clear and specific about their task. Then give a break for the another 15 min. If they are able to keep to the 15 min, increase to 20 mins now..... then the break too increase to 20 mins. Work on this till they are able to sit for 45min. Start early....and you will achive ;-)

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Feeling better

My dearest grandpa was admitted on 1 May...he has got pneumonia...early stage. The fever affected part of his brain that caused him to be disorientated. Haf been visiting him since then...things are much better now. Today, they made him walk around the ward for awhile. He also recognises us.

I met a person today....his name Mr Silva. He looks healthy and perfect. I wondered why he was admitted so I approached and asked about his health. I was taken aback when he said that he is counting his day! He is in the 4th stage of colon cancer. He seemed to be cool. He said he is taking morphin and takes 6 paracetamol tablets at one time dailly!

Then, there is this man who seemed helpless because he is aged and he has acute pneumonia. Both his hands are tied to the bed. Whenever, I talk to my grandpa....he turns and look at me. Once I approached and spoke to him. He can't speak and he had a sad look in his eye.......

I'm going to start again....what is life? It's time to reflect....(maybe I'm getting older...hehehe!)

Monday, April 30, 2007

A tired day ahead.....

I'm sleepy but I'm keeping an eye on my grandpa....he is unwell. He has got very bad cough and phlegm. He is also talking to himself....guess hallucination. Just don't know how it happened. Lat Thursday....he got high fever. It was from whole family was hit by flu and fever. He got worried over my little boy who refused to eat or drink. Then suddenly we receive news that my grandma too unwell. She was admitted for urine infection. I sent my grandpa to see doctor too at SGH. He was fine then. On Friday, he started blabering away funny things. He seemed to see a lot of things. The gals at my grandpa's place got scared and worried. Today I asked my uncle to sent him to my house. It's 3am and he is still not asleep. He is talking about some accident and other stuff. It's rather sad. I'm not sure what's going to happen to him. He has been a great help all these years to me and my children. He is a quiet and humble man. Deep down I'm still positive about him. Just hope he will be well soon.

Doesn't this make us wonder that this might happen to us one day.....are we able to face reality of life when this hits us. My grandpa....a man who is always looking for love and comfort among us. Is this what happens when we depend on people rather than on ourselves. It's time to reflect upon life....what's the meaning??

My exam

Phew!....finally I received the result for 1/2 of my a 'B' - 80%. 1/2 more hurdle more to go. My worldview, an essay consisting 5000 words of my views on relationships, finance, divorce, suicide and roles. Well, my lecturer said it shud be the "in search" type. I managed to complete and pass them up last week. I will be having one to one session on 28th May and will know the results too. It was a good experience to write my perspective, not as easy as you think because I got to dig up the worms which were living right down in me. It was not a good experience but if I dun..then how am I to be a counsellor later? I may turn to be bias when I meet real situation ;-)

A week has passed.....

Left my old place for more than a I'm at my new place. Complete different environment with different expectation. Till now things are pretty cool.... Lots of work too but the people here are warm and welcoming. Most of all....the give you space to grow. I have attach my some photos of my new place. At this moment, only 2 souls occupy the whole block...more to come in August....check it out guys!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Last Day

Dear Friends,

It was my last day in office yesterday.....I've worked here for 13 yrs. I faced lots of challenges here and gained lots of experiences too. I grew up to be a stronger woman. I learnt teamwork, team spirit, always have a macro and not micro view of an organisation, learnt to be meticulous and acquired many skills along the way. It was difficult to part my dear friends especially Ratna (lunacy).....she has done sooo much for me that I cannot thank her enuf. I met many kind of people in these years....some stay awhile in ur heart, some leave bitterness and some leave footprint. I learnt abt myself better thru each and every one in my workplace. It was self reflection & gave me an oppurtunity to re-evaluate myself. Well, you can views the photos by linking "photos" under inspiration...see u around.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Your Personality

Ooops! Sorry for my late reply....

Here are the answers:

U are an intelligent being but you are a reserved person

U are a lateral thinker. Cool guys!

'Z' person
U are creative, strong, imaginative and you are a leader!

Obsessed but guys no worries, u are perfectionist. U're a micro manager!

Cheers to all!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Today, I'm married for 15 yrs. Well, what have I achieved?
- Am contented with my life style
- Managed to blend with the differences
- Love my darling more as he is growing wiser (greying ;-))
- Hmmm....managed to contribute 2 handsome creatures to the nation.... ;-)
- Feel great of my accomplishment to-date
To me marriage is all about managing rather than living!! I don't believe that marriage happens in's all in our hands, what exactly we want from it. Any objections??

Monday, March 26, 2007

First Assignment

What's your personality in general?

Choose one of the following and let me know which resembles you and why...will post the answers in 2 days time

A. Rectangle

B. Triangle

C. Alphabet 'Z'

D. Circle

'Bout myself


History of Birth
Born in the month Feb - an Aquarian
Originated from Malaysia (Malacca) but later converted to Singapore due to marriage commitment ;-)

Life after marriage
Married for 15 years (to be exact on 29 Mar) with a lovely husband - caring, hardworking, committed to family and hot tempered.
2 handsome sons - Vesshnu and Vitesh, one 11 and the other 27 months

Marriage life - many hiccups along the way but always look at life in different prespective, analyse and place it back, that's how marriage survives!! Always look back to those years of courtship and love....then things will move

Purpose of life
I believe that life is not just about having a happy family, good relationship with people around us or reaching our goals.
It's about our true self, what is the purpose of us being born in this world in whatever religion and what can we give the world in return
Share yours............

My past time
I Spent most of my time couching Vesshnu in Maths and Science (my favourite subjects), create lots of activities with Vitesh like painting, dancing and singing. Besides this I read lots of religious books (soul searching) and I'm currently doing my diploma in counselling psychology.

Purpose to create my own blog
To meet many friends who can share their experiences on life, exchange parenting tips. Well, I would also like to use some of my counselling skills to those who need help. Occasionally will post some questionnaire which will help you to evaluate and understand yourself (Hopefully).

Thursday, March 15, 2007

lake placid

placidity of mind: dats what this blog is all abt.