Saturday, August 25, 2007


It's 6.00am and I'm still doing my assignment. It's so peaceful and mind is so clear though I'm like a zombie now. A good friend adviced me not to put my little one to sleep in the afternoon so that he will sleep early at night. Guess what happen, he knocked off in my lap at about 9pm. Happily I told my husband to bring him up to the room. He got up right on bed and cried for me...and my gundu husband..can laugh away. He can advice me to do my assignment with him. Surprising, he refused to go to husband. He stucked to me, I could not even get out of his sight. ARRRGGGG.....Told myself, nevermind...I will still get through it and be determined to do my assignment somehow. Finally, I managed to put the little to sleep at 12 midnite! Here I am happily doing my assignment with my cup of coffee and a mess of papers and books on my computer table. I'm listening to the same songs over 2 or 3 rounds I think. I'm just got the kick to do my assignment. I shall stay up till morning...wake my darling up to work, go marketing with my maid in case I fall off..hehehe. Then shall have a good hot shower and go to sleep. Thanks for the advice friend...should not have listen to you!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...please where can I buy a unicorn?