Saturday, November 29, 2008
Am I back?
Let's see if I can update from now...
There is so much of happenings from Oct 08 till today? Where to begin???
Hmmm...I should post some nice pictures taken in Los Angeles and Las Vegas....
Hopefully, I will pick myself up from now....
See you....
Thursday, October 2, 2008
What happened??
1. Vesshnu's birthday - celebrated on 2 Sep. It so sad! I posted all other birthdays with photos but missed Vesshnu's. We did a homam at home to celebrate his birthday. Kept it simple within family. We bought him MP4 player but confiscated it after a week because we felt that he was not focusing in his studies...bad parents!!
2. That week I was on leave, spent my time with both the boys,watched two movies with my husband. So I could not find time to blog..what an excuse :-)
3. The following week, I went for a check on my ulcer. It was quite bad that I was on medical leave the whole week too.
4. From that week onwards, I was busy with Bala Gurukulam. As there were only 3Sundays left for Bala Gurukulam - busy for the Ganesha Chaturthi, mass homam and presentation for children. So many things to prepare, even during lunch I had to work on these stuff.
5. Next was "Maid"...I had to find good agency whom can find a suitable maid to replace my current maid. Well, finally found one...likely to come in before Deepavali and hope she works for our family.
6. Work in office is increasing too, mult-task many issues.
7. Finally, preparing Vesshnu for PSLE..not an easy task to get boys to stay focus.
Well, I found some time today...thot' of saying something about the happenings.....By next week, everything should resolve..PSLE will be over..then my focus will be on Deepavali and the new maid...
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Midlife Men
I have been hearing complains afters complains from most of my friends, well that includes myself too...hahaha. Here is something to help IMS read more, please visit the website.
2. Take a step back. You can't push him to change. He can make changes only when he is ready. You can step back only if you can keep yourself from panicking. This is a good time to tell someone you trust about what is going on.
3. Recognize your own feelings and fears about the situation. What are his actions triggering in you? Are you feeling angry? Do you want to fight back? Do you feel inadequate? Are you wondering what you did wrong? Are you afraid that he's going to leave - or that you will?
4. Slow down. Take care of yourself. Don't make any decisions while you are in a panic. Remind yourself that no matter how important your relationship is, it is not the only aspect of your life. There are other people who are important to you, and there are other things that give you pride and pleasure.
5. Find your own place of emotional safety so you don't let yourself feel battered by his stormy moods. Tell yourself over and over again, "I am not the target. These are his feelings of pain and powerlessness." What he is saying or doing, no matter how hurtful, is not a statement about you or your adequacy.
6. Never listen to what he thinks about you. Listen for how he feels. Judgment and blame are only cover-ups for his feelings and unmet needs. Words can be deeply wounding. When men experience the Irritable Male Syndrome, they may say things that can be very hurtful. For instance, an IMS male may say, "Damn it, can't you ever do anything right? Are you really that stupid?" You can think, "I must be a lousy wife" or "He's a vicious, mean bastard." Or you can say to yourself, "I wonder if he's feeling enraged because he needs support or comfort or understanding."
7. Let him know you are aware that he is in pain and you are open to listening to what is on his mind, when he is ready. Irritable males seem to be doing everything they can to push people away, yet they want more than anything to be understood. Like angry children, they want to know that you are there, that you won't be driven away, and that you will listen when they are ready.
8. Suggest walking and talking. Men often open up more easily when they are communicating "side by side" rather than "face to face." Sitting down and talking about what is going on might not be the best way to reach them. Men tend to be "doers," not "discussers." They often find it easier to talk when they are doing something (throwing a ball, fixing a car, walking) and when they are not looking into someone's eyes. To women, eye contact provides a feeling of nurturing and support. It often makes men feel that they have been put on the spot, so they become defensive and withdrawn.
9. Let him know that you care about him and that you know he cares about you. Ask him if he'd be willing to listen, without responding, for five minutes while you tell him how his irritability and blame make you feel. Share your own needs for safety, self-esteem, intimacy, and love.
10. Get help and support from friends and family. Don't try to solve the situation by yourself. You may feel ashamed to ask for help. You may want others to know the man in your life is acting the way he is. He may be telling you, directly or indirectly, not to tell anyone about what is going on. Don't give in to the fear; reach out to people. Be good to yourself.
11. Seek out a counselor, if necessary, who can help you work with your feelings and suggest ways to work with the IMS man. Sometimes you need more than the support of friends and family. Professional help may be necessary. Many times, people hold back, thinking, "If he won't go for help, what's the use?" Getting help for yourself may be the first step in breaking destructive cycles and getting help for him.
12. If you are seeing a counselor, request that he call the IMS man and ask him to come in to help you and the family. Often, a man has trouble asking for help for himself but will go in to help a woman and children. Even teens and young men will often go if they think their thoughts will be heard and they can help others. It helps a man's self-esteem to know that he is doing something good, even if he feels confused and angry inside.
13. Tell him, and remind yourself, that you are both on the same side. The problem isn't you or him. The problem is his irritability and anger that are caused by his unmet needs. Let him know that you are committed to working with him to find out what those needs are and to help him meet them.
14. Don't give up. Create an atmosphere of safety. Invite him to join you in finding ways to create a better relationship for you both. If he doesn't respond, pull back. Approach again at another time.
15. Be firm. Let him know you love him but you aren't going to give up on your own happiness. Tell him things need to change and you want him to join with you in making a life that works for both of you.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Mom vs Child
Well....I guess this is what I got when I was reading some old e-mails from true....
Images Of Mother from the standpoint of a child at that age....
* 4 Years Of Age
My Mommy can do anything!
* 8 Years Of Age
My Mom knows a lot! A whole lot!
* 12 Years Of Age
My Mother doesn't really know quite everything
* 14 Years Of Age
Naturally, Mother doesn't know that, either
* 16 Years Of Age
Mother? She's hopelessly old-fashioned
* 18 Years Of Age
That old woman? She's way out of date!
* 25 Years Of Age
Well, she might know a little bit about it
* 35 Years Of Age
Before we decide, let's get Mom's opinion
* 45 Years Of Age
Wonder what Mom would have thought about it?
* 65 Years Of Age
Wish I could talk it over with Mom
Monday, July 28, 2008
A Leap Of Faith With a Little help from all of you !!!
Last Friday when I called the parents to remind them about the outing on Sunday, I learnt that she lost her 2 1/2 years old son due to some rare genetics condition. She is so inspired to write a book about him. She is hoping to print about 30,000 books and use part of the proceed to sustain her society and bring help parents who have children with similar problem.
I came across many mothers who lost their children due to stillborn, accidents and miscarriage...
most of them still have not overcome from their past. This lady, Devi, is rare mother. She wants to make a difference. When I spoke to her, she is fully of enthusiasm to do something for her son. She even shared that at times she wants to discontinue but somehow someone will come forward to give a small token or encourage her not to stop.
Yesterday, she sent me an e-mail about her son, Satish. This is the last step to find someone to sponsor her and make her dream come true. It is a promise which she made to her son. When I read the story about her child, tears just rolled down. If that would have happen to me, I think I would be devastated.
For me.....
If someone old leaves, I take it as he or she has lived lived to the fullest.
If babies leaves the mother womb, it is the pain for the mother but he/she can overcome it when another child arrives
If a child leaves, it is the greatest the mother or father been there to nurture it, to see the smile, to see it utter the first word, to see the little tricks of the innocence ones....
Well, it's easy to say that soul is immortal, some say it reaches heaven, some say babies usually becomes angel...whatever
In reality, when this fatal happens to any's really painful.
Well, here is a little bit which I can do....below is his photo and the appeal by his mum.....
Would you like to make a difference in this ladies life?
Dear Friends,
I’m Devi. I am mother of the boy.
My son Satish had an incurable, most rare genetic condition. He lived for 2 and half years before leaving us on 30 Nov 2005.
For the past two years I have been writing his memoir and it’s in the final stages of publishing.
You're probably thinking that this is a very unusual way to start a letter and that I'm committing suicide by telling you about the saddest part of my life.
You may even know the feeling, as anyone who has lost their loved one should the pain and the unbearable circumstances to lose a child.
So why am I telling you all this...?
Well, because I think that you are worth every effort to be spending my valuable time with. I know that you will never cease to help someone who is trying to help others.
Losing a child and still wanting to help other parents …I have just started a society – Rare Genetics Network (Singapore) with a group of parents. And we need funds to sustain the society.
As for the first project to create awareness in the public, I am coming up with the memoir. We are hoping to print 30,000 copies. Some percentage of the sales of the book will be going to the society.
Please be a part of the story that gives hope and inspiration to anyone who is purchasing the book and receive the blessings of the children who are out there suffering from rare genetic conditions.
You could reach me at 31109888 / 98553161or or email me at –
This is not a prankster joke or a scam, this is a rare opportunity to help create awareness for children dying of rare genetic condition.
Warmest Regards
Ms Devi Ahru
President of Rare Genetics Network (Singapore)
Visit us at:
To make your contributions to our society -
Please write the cheque to -
Rare Genetics Network (Singapore)
To make contribution to the publishing and launching of the memoir -
Please write the cheque to -
Sun Rise Empire Pte.Ltd.
Your contribution is very valuable to us. All sponsors names will be published in the book. (no matter what the amount is ....)
We are very grateful that you have taken your time to read this.
We will deliver the memoir to you ..personally if possible once published in December .
( We are aiming to print 30,000 copies )
Thanks a Million !! God Bless all Of US !!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Vitesh takes photos
He told his brother "Is it nice Anna?"..Then Vesshnu said "Yes".
Vitesh then said "Come, let's take photo! Amma, take photo"
So I took our the camera to took a photograph of both the boys....he quickly hugged his Anna and posed to the camera. Then I took a photo with him.
It was very candid of him to say "Amma, let me take you with Anna".
He took the camera and took a shot of us. It was not that clear but I really admire his guts to come forward to such thing at 3 1/2 years.....
Take a look
I took the 1st photograph....
Veshnu took this....
Monday, July 14, 2008
Interesting findings of creation with human
A Tomato has four chambers and is red. The heart has four chambers and is red. All of the research shows tomatoes are loaded with lycopine and are indeed pure heart and blood food.
Grapes hang in a cluster that has the shape of the heart. Each grape looks like a blood cell and all of the research today shows grapes are also profound heart and blood vitalizing food.
Celery, Bok Choy, Rhubarb and many more look just like bones. These foods specifically target bone strength. Bones are 23% sodium and these foods are 23% sodium. If you don't have enough sodium in your diet, the body pulls it from the bones, thus making them weak. These foods replenish the skeletal needs of the body.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Vesshnu in action
Interesting People
I know of a friend who has been a compulsive liar. I didn't realise until someone highlighted it to me. Since then, I started observing every movement. Well, I am really surprise how can one lie to the extreme to seek sympathy from people. Is there a need to lie? She claimed that she is lonely, somehow a slightest tear cause many hearts to go to her. She has a good life and almost anything she wants. Everyone sees her as an important person and yet she seems not happy. Well, I guess her definition of "happiness" is different. Thank god, I'm able to see all these without getting affected these days.
Another friend called me yesterday. She is disturbed because she badly wanted an upgrade and her employer approved for the internal interview. Unfortunately, just as she was all prepared to go all out for the interview with her new blouse etc, her employer broke the news that they want to offer the job to another colleague. She was very disappointed. Instead she was offered to take a loan for her degree programme for counselling which is not part of her job scope. Well, I told her to look at the positive could be for better off. She seems to be convinced after talking to me 1/2 hour....hopefully she gets what she wants. Why are people so disturbed?
I came across an interesting blogger, he goes around commenting in other blogs and somehow people visits his blog too. However, his blog has only photos and photos but nothing much about him. When I'm free, I read what others comment about his works but somehow I'm not convinced if it's true or they are saying it to please him?? I am always puzzle about man with few words but express his nature through photos. What are they like? According to my lecturer when I did my psychology, these are the creative people who are not able to express their feeling to human, so they do it through painting, photos and pictures. Is it true?
I met another interesting lady....a very unique married woman who does not sleep with her husband and yet serve her husband without fail. She ensures his breakfast is prepared every morning, lunch is served if he is at home. She seems to be very contented. Her husband on the other hand too is fine with the arrangement. He only comes out to eat and he goes back into the room to watch his programme. They only communicate if there is a need. How can she survive? Can a man live like that forever. They are not old. If this happens to me, I probably divorce my husband or kill myself hahaha....
Finally, a new little gal student in the Balagurukulam class last Sun. She is so gentle, quiet and has such pleasant face. When I was teaching mantras and singing bhajans, she just tapped my lap and smiled at me. My heart just melt....she has a unique eyes.
So much of analysing people..maybe my mind is too free today or maybe I'm troubled today so I'm expressing myself through others..hahahaha....
Monday, June 23, 2008
It was my first experience going to the new crematorium too. I was amazed to see the high tech instrument used for the funeral. Everything was automatic. After some rituals done at parlour, the coffin moves automatically on the track and the door automatically opens to the next section. People were requested to move to the viewing gallery. You can then watch the coffin moving on the track and it moves to a forklift. When the forklift moves to next section, the spot-light in on. There you can see the coffin travelling through into the oven and you are watching it from a higher level.
It was a glimpse moment of myself. Yes, I just felt like I am in the place, the process is a glimpse of an individual destination one day. It was a reflection. What am I doing here? What is the purpose and my thoughts just went on. Why do people cry when we are immortal? Why do we cling to the body, the name when we know the atma(soul) is indeed immortal. What happens if my love ones die before me....
Will I blame God? Will I say it as "God's Plan"? or will I accept it as the person's karma?
I can only conclude that Death is inevitable. Every birth has it's death. If we can live one more day to see the world, do right action, have pure thoughts and speak the truth. One more thing...think of death at least once daily because that will make ones mind prepared
This day started with this saying ....
Only with the birth of the body do our worldly relations start and end with its death. But in each birth our relation with the Lord remains unchanged. Our present experience seems to be right the opposite and we are trying to make ever-lasting relations in the never-lasting world and thereby casting a spell of sorrows for ourselves. Understand and realise that our relation with the Lord is primary and permanent and all others are secondary and impermanent. Each individual has a primary relation with the Lord, whether he knows and accepts it or not. Ignorance of this is the cause of our suffering. - Swami Tejomayananda
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Vesshnu and Vitesh
I told the maid to allow him to do whatever he likes but if he messes up, let me know instead of telling him off.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
What's happening...
On Tuesday, both the boys and I went to watch The Kung-Fun Panda. Hilarious and awesome!! The movie makes you think how one can believe in himself...a panda being the dragon master?? Vitesh laughed so loud till everyone looked at him. It was really amusing. When we came out from the theatre it was raining cats and dogs. We had to ask the maid to bring us umbrella...thank god we are living close to these places
Fun with both boys
So much of fun time with children but seems I'm missing my time with my husband. He is so busy lately at work. Leaving to work at 5.45am and coming home at 11pm. We hardly spoke. He don't even have time to talk on the phone....lot of them are on leave this month and team is lack of these guys have no choice. Hopefully, he could spent some time with us before the school re-opens.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Finally Relieved (I hope..)
Finally I graduated. My transcript was kind of impressive...mostly As and Bs. That's a good achievement for mother of two (not easy to juggle many things at a time) ~ Self praise..hehehe. Vesshnu was very excited about the graduation ceremony. He took so many photos for this event. Well, I guess I'm an inspiration for my son. Anyway, I really have not found time to upload the photos yet. Hope to do next week.
My presentation
I'm left with one more week to go for the end of my presentation. It's not an easy topic as I have to touch on history. Well, I can't memorise everything to narrate them by heart. I got feedback that my presentation was indeed good with lots of pictures but too wordy in some of the slides. What can I do?? I dinch choose the topic. It was given or rather what was left for me.... :(
Probably, if the topic is close to my heart, I could have presented better. It's wokay, I shall take it positively. Anyway, I'm reserved again for 7 and 8 June...there is a youth camp organised by Hindu Ctr, Hindu Endowment Board and NUS. I have to give another presentation similar to this topic but packaged it for youth. I think I prefer this compared to teaching adults.
UnniKrishnan Show
Last Friday I attended the Unnikrishnan show. It was great show and I must comment that this singer has so much of stamina. He sang through from 7.45pm to 10.45pm with only minutes of break in between. The media interviewed some of us including myself. So, I came on air on Monday's Tamil news. I'm proud to represent Hindu Centre and share my experiences as a volunteer :-).
It has been a busy day in office too. I'm helping 2 professors here preparing their grants...not that easy. Oh yes...I had to do budget too. In MAS, I used the number section more than the alphabets as I work on statistics but here I use more word. These few day I have been punching number on my calculator and my finger began to ache..hehehe...too much right...Lunancy, I know what you will think when you read this..hehehe!
Anyway, today is Friday, a relax day and tommorrow, my dear friend Deva, a guy from Hindu Ctr...saw him grow with me as teenager and later we learned together during Diploma in Hindu Teaching Course. He is a very nice guy, humble and pleasant. Tomorrow is his wedding reception with this beautiful Banglore gal Vineesha...all the best for this couple.
Okie, I think I took a long break...better get back to my work :-)
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Happy Mother's Day - Glitter Graphics
I was thinking how should I send my wishes this year....well, I started scanning thru my cupboard and computer for as many mom pictures as I can. Well, for those mothers I know and for the those I don't is a little reflection...
We have been the best mother for our children no matter what. We took the trouble to raise them with care and love in midst of our personal issues. We have always been impartial though sometimes we compare our children :-).
For some of us, our hard work is paid by the respect and love shown by our children but there are some who are unfortunate. They are abandoned by their children.....why? Have they gone wrong in their upbringing or have the children failed to value their mom. Today, let's take a moment to bless the mothers we know and we don't know.....let us give some thoughts to the ones who are unfortunate and sent them our heartfelt blessings...Happy Mother's Day!!!!
Monday, April 28, 2008
I'm feeling very anxious
1. Over the last 2 weeks, was very busy preparing the little ones for the last day of presentation. Finally, last Sunday it's ova. The little ones sang a Ganesha song. They look very cute. My son participated in a drama. He acted as mountain. That's very unlike of Vesshnu. I'm very pleased with his participation. We prepared goodie stuff for the effort by the children. The 'pot-luck' by parents too turn out well. The whole presentation went smoothly.
2. I'm now in midst of preparing my 1st public short course (4 classes in total) from 13th May onwards (every Tues). I'm scared to death as I'm going to do it on my own. Thinking about it already making me nervous. The topic "Hindu Temples outside India"
3. In between preparing for presentation, I also need to work with the syllabus team to come out with next semester's material for teachers. Thank god topics are identified...only compiling material. Deadline: 17th May
4. Vesshnu's SA1 begins next week. Need to give moral support and also help in Science too.
5. Besides all these, I'm also helping the Mitra Counselling group in their syllabus. It suppose to be group effort, but don't seem to be like that now. Thank god, they have requested by end June.
6. On 10th May, I'm graduating. Kind of excited about it and at the same time, anxious about the results. The group results are not out yet.
Everything falls in May..why?why?why? Stressssssssssssss
Okie, I feel better now...after thinking and listing. It helps :-) but not sure how long :-(
Okie, going back to work now.....
Monday, April 14, 2008
Morning Buzz
As what I posted whatever we see around us a mirror of us. If I'm unhappy one morning, I will walk out from home with black face and whoever I see in train I will get annoyed and frustrated. A slight hit on my shoulder or even a someone step on toe when you are not in the mood....that's it!!! you will see smoke out of my ears :-)
So again, it's not the people around us. It's we perceive the people around us.
Honestly, it's not easy but when you practise this you will be amazed to see how we see the world around. You may get slight irritation but it will subside fast. I'm still learning but it helps. These days when I get into train, I bring along my number click. I recite some mantra from the time I board Bishan to Dhoby Ghaut. A short walk to NEL, then I will listen to some nice songs till Outram. Finally, in Outram I switch to my favourite radio channel till office. No time to see others but some time to stay focused :-)
Monday, April 7, 2008
The House of 1000 Mirrors,
Japanese folktale
Long ago in a small, far away village, there was place known as the House of 1000 Mirrors.
A small, happy little dog learned of this place and decided to visit. When he arrived, he bounced happily up the stairs to the doorway of the house. He looked through the doorway with his ears lifted high and his tail wagging as fast as it could. To his great surprise, he found himself staring at 1000 other happy little dogs with their tails wagging just as fast as his. He smiled a great smile, and was answered with 1000 great smiles just as warm and friendly. As he left the House, he thought to himself, "This is a wonderful place. I will come back and visit it often."
In this same village, another little dog, who was not quite as happy as the first one, decided to visit the house. He slowly climbed the stairs and hung his head low as he looked into the door. When he saw the 1000 unfriendly looking dogs staring back at him, he growled at them and was horrified to see 1000 little dogs growling back at him. As he left, he thought to himself, "That is a horrible place, and I will never go back there again."
All the faces in the world are mirrors.
What kind of reflections do you see in the faces of the people you meet?
Sunday, April 6, 2008
It's been a year
I had so much to blog but could not find time to shed my thots'. Well, I can proudly say that I have been blogging for the past 1 year....
- I have learn new things through blogging
- Met new friends
- Shared new info while blogging
- Express my emotions through blogging
I must specially thank my beloved friend Ratna who actually showed me how to blog as we were parting around this time last year...phew!!! Time really flies...I left my old place almost a year.
I remember in my 1st blog, I mentioned about my wedding just passed again..another year of bonding.
Every year, every moment there is something we reflect upon...LIFE. Last night my husband asked me an interesting question...."What is life?" I smiled at him and asked why...he said "Life is meaningless" ...hmm interesting right??
"Is life meaningless??" I asked him. He gave me a cool stare..hahaha.
Well, I smiled and said "life is like reflection...what you think at that moment, see at that moment, feel at that moment......that is you". At this moment, you are feeling life is meaningless because some experiences or thoughts made you think like that...nothin' else"
He must have thought I'm some nerd...he continued to stare at me. Okie, I told myself...don't say too much will backfire.
So, calmly told him that whatever he is thinking and feeling takes place in the mind through a system called "Brain". If we are objective enough to see what's happening around us and why it particularly happens to "ME"...we will be able to find the answer because "WE HOLD THE KEY TO OUR MIND". I continued....we are all mould by own unique values and believes base on our upbringing through parents, teachers, society, religion and friends. Sometimes we try to impose our values and believes to others because we think it's good for them but it does not work that way. What works for us may not work for other...why? Because individual have their own "ego" including children.
Then I concluded and said "I don't to preach religion and psychology to you because you will start to tease me"....hehehe.
He smiled and said that it makes sense but it is not easy to change. Yes, I agree with him but also told him that change begins from one who wants it. Then you will see the difference :-)
Guess....that will let him ponder about the statement he made.
Coming back...hopefully I'm able to blog the next few days
Lunch time now...cheerio!!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
The Leap Years
Well, story line was alright. Quite good for a local movie. Wong Li Lin (Li-Ann) was stunting as usual and Ananda (Jeremy) was really handsome.
What I like about the story?
The years during school-days... When one imagine how will the man of the love would look like....
I began to recall mine too...hahaha. It amuses me to think how stupid we were to put the opposite sex name to ours and strick off the same alphabets and then with the balance alphabets trying to identify if he will the love, hate, friendship or nothing...
Back to the story... In 3rd leap year when Jeremy wanted to explain his situation but Li-Ann didn't give in, instead she lied that she is married with a 2 yrs old daughter etc. Hmmm...what a waste. If she allowed him to explain, she could have saved 4 years of her marriage with Jeremy. Guess this what happens to many women..JTC (Jump to Conclusion). Most men are not expressive enough. Very expressive men are toooo soft...don't think ladies like them. Ladies on the other hand are too quick to make decision. So, if ladies take time to hear what men has to say with their head, I'm sure things can be resolved. It's not easy as ladies egos are also "big" but what is there to lose if you love that person.
Remember being persistent and perservance will help one to overcome any obstacle. Never give up...
This is what I conclude from the movie... On the other hand, my darling husband laughed and's another tamil movie...check if the director is an Indian...*sigh* Men are to hide their emotion or they are emotionless..hahahaha!
Check it out if you guys are interested to watch...
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Some nice link
Anyway, her gifts were superb. I have already started using them except for one..waiting to get a new mobile first. I felt very proud taking out a branded card holder to tap my ez-link...hahaha. Maybe it's about time I start sourcing branded stuff...hahaha! Thanks a lot my other half :-)
Yesterday, I was browsing through the net and came across an interesting blog for Indian women. Well, I guess anyone who is interest can browse this blog.
Have fun!!
It's Friday today....can't wait to get home and catch some sleep....
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Birthday Bash
We celebrated Vitesh birthday together with mine last week. It was really fun to have two in one. Well, I didn't inform anyone about my birthday since age is big concern here. Nevertheless, those who remembered got me gifts too. I was overwhelmed. Thanks for making my day. We partied till 2am. Very tired but it was worth the time :-)
Monday, January 28, 2008
Vitesh turns 3
Vitesh turned 3 yesterday. Look at how he has grown from a baby. We had a celebration in his playgroup. He seemed to know that it is his birthday and he enjoyed every moment. He didn't cry or what so ever.
Hmmm....guess he has began to understand the language :-)
We took big brother out from school during recess to join in the party. He was very helpful. We are going to have a big celebration this Saturday and Vesshnu is going to host the programme with his cousins. Looking forward to see "Big brother" in action. Happy Birthday to our darling Vitesh
Monday, January 21, 2008
I saw number of people carrying their child and also milk pot...really admire them. I saw a lady with a small kavadi and she spike her cheeks. It made me wonder why hindus have to pierce or spike their body for god. Hmmm...their devotion must be so intense that they are willing to sacrifice to any extend. It just like tattooing your body for your love ones. If a human can go to this extreme for another human, why not for god?
On the other hand logically, Hindus need not show their devotion this way. A mental devotion through meditation is already good enough. Just a thought, no offense...
Do not carry the heavy load of the past on your back. Unload the past, square your shoulders, loosen your muscles, and joyously face your day-to-day problems. This is called 'acting'. When you drag your past memories into the present and try to act with a mind shackled with its hang-ups from the past, then you become inefficient, incompetent, and severely handicapped in meeting your problems. You only make a mess of things. This is called 'reacting'. Act wisely...React positively. - Swami Chinmayananda
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Stop complaining about life
Thursday, January 17, 2008
5 Lessons to make you think about the way we treat people.
During my second month of college, our professor
gave us a pop quiz. I was a conscientious student
and had breezed through the questions until I read
the last one:
'What is the first name of the woman who cleans the school?'
Surely this was some kind of joke.. I had seen the
cleaning woman several times. She was tall,
dark-haired and in her 50s, but how would I know her name?
I handed in my paper, leaving the last question
blank. Just before class ended, one student asked if
the last question would count toward our quiz grade.
'Absolutely,' said the professor. 'In your careers,
you will meet many people. All are significant. They
deserve your attention and care, even if all you do
is smile and say 'hello.'
I've never forgotten that lesson. I also learned her
name was Dorothy.
2. - Second Important Lesson - Pickup in the Rain
One night, at 11:30 p.m., an elderly African-American woman was standing on the side of an Alabama highway trying to endure a lashing rainstorm. Her car had broken down and she desperately needed a ride. Soaking wet, she decided to flag down the next car. A young white man stopped to help her, generally unheard of in those conflict-filled 60s.. The man took her to safety, helped her get assistance and put her into a taxicab.
She seemed to be in a big hurry, but wrote down his address and thanked him. Seven days went by and a knock came on the man's door. To his surprise, a
giant console color TV was delivered to his home. A special note was attached..
It read:
'Thank you so much for assisting me on the highway the other night. The rain drenched not only my clothes, but also my spirits. Then you came along. Because of you, I was able to make it to my dying husband's bedside just before he passed away... God bless you for helping me and unselfishly serving others.'
Sincerely, Mrs. Nat King Cole.
3. -Third Important Lesson - Always remember those who serve
'How much is an ice cream sundae?' he asked.
'Fifty cents,' replied the waitress.
The little boy pulled his hand out of his pocket and
studied the coins in it.
'Well, how much is a plain dish of ice cream?' he inquired.
By now more people were waiting for a table and the waitress was growing impatient.
'Thirty-five cents,' she brusquely replied.
The little boy again counted his coins.
'I'll have the plain ice cream,' he said.
The waitress brought the ice cream, put the bill on
the table and walked away. The boy finished the ice
cream, paid the cashier and left. When the waitress
came back, she began to cry as she wiped down the
table. There, placed neatly beside the empty dish,
were two nickels and five pennies..
You see, he couldn't have the sundae, because he had to have enough left to leave her a tip.
In ancient times, a King had a boulder placed on a
roadway. Then he hid himself and watched to see if
anyone would remove the huge rock. Some of the
king's wealthiest merchants and courtiers came by
and simply walked around it. Many loudly blamed the King for not keeping the roads clear, but none did anything about getting the stone out of the way.
Then a peasant came along carrying a load of
vegetables. Upon approaching the boulder, the
peasant laid down his burden and tried to move the
stone to the side of the road. After much pushing
and straining, he finally succeeded. After the
peasant picked up his load of vegetables, he noticed
a purse lying in the road where the boulder had
been. The purse contained many gold coins and a note from the King indicating that the gold was for the person who removed the boulder from the roadway. The peasant learned what many of us never understand!
Every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve our condition.
5 - Fifth Important Lesson - Giving When it Counts...
Many years ago, when I worked as a volunteer at a
hospital, I got to know a little girl named Liz who
was suffering from a rare & serious disease. Her only chance of recovery appeared to be a blood
transfusion from her 5-year old brother, who had
miraculously survived the same disease and had
developed the antibodies needed to combat the
illness. The doctor explained the situation to her
little brother, and asked the little boy if he would
be willing to give his blood to his sister.
I saw him hesitate for only a moment before taking a deep breath and saying, 'Yes I'll do it if it will save her.' As the transfusion progressed, he lay in bed next to his sister and smiled, as we all did, seeing the color returning to her cheek. Then his face grew pale and his smile faded.
He looked up at the doctor and asked with a
trembling voice, 'Will I start to die right away'.
Being young, the little boy had misunderstood the
doctor; he thought he was going to have to give his
sister all of his blood in order to save her.
Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Happy Pongal
Happy New Year!!
I wanted to update my blog some time ago. Hmmm...wonder what stopped me.
1) Lazy
2) Kind of bored
3) Helped in my cousins 21st birthday celebration
4) Too busy doing my school assignment
5) Went holiday
6) Too much work when I came back to work
These are all excuses.....plainly I'm lazy and tired these days :-)
Anyway Pongal is round the corner (15 Jan) for those who don't know. Let me be the first one to wish all my friends a very happy pongal.
Meaning of Pongal
Pongal is a harvest festival - the Tamil equivalent of Thanksgiving. It is held to honor the Sun, for a bountiful harvest. Families gather to rejoice and share their joy and their harvests with others. The Sun is offered a "Pongal" of rice and milk. Literally meaning "Boiling over", Pongal, signifies the advent of prosperity. Pongal is normally celebrated over a period of four days, starting on the 13th January. Since the calculation to determine the day is based on the solar calendar, the date doesn't change. It is considered a very auspicious occasion when the Sun transits the Capricorn sign. A rich and abundant harvest of paddy and other crops depend on the availability of good rain, as most of the rivers in Tamil Nadu are not perennial. Hence, there is the invocation of the Sun God and the God of Rain at the time of Pongal.
My wishes to all the Indians out there